Napi tv műsor

05.09 00:20
Coral Sea Dreaming enters into the very heart of life - and death - on a coral reef. It is a story that spans 500 million years and stars some of the most exotic and wonderous marine creatures on earth. Coral is the planet's greatest natu- ral archit
05.09 01:15
It's 'Silly Season' in Mamba Valley and like zombies from their graves, the heat draws Black Mambas from the shadows. They're on the hunt for summer lodgings but as the deadliest snake on the planet, they're not popular neighbors. Many will fall foul
05.09 02:05
Az elmúlt években folyamatosan nőtt az erdőtüzek száma, különösen Katalóniában. Az erdőterületek elvesztése veszélyezteti a Földközi-tenger északnyugati térségének kulturális környezetét és természetes élőhelye
05.09 03:00
A rovarok méret tekintetében eltörpülnek a nagy ragadozók mellett, ez azonban nem jelenti azt, hogy kevésbé harciasak lennének. A film annak jár utána, hogy mi áll ennek a föld alatt, a fák ágain és a levegőben egyará
05.09 03:25
Éjszakai állatnak több okból is jó lenni: ilyenkor könnyebb eltűnni a ragadozók elől, nincs annyira meleg, és nem kell versenyezni a nappali fajokkal a területért és az élelemért. Töltsön egy meghitt éjszakát tarajos sülökkel
05.09 03:55
17 year old Ester and her dog Mia have big plans: saving lives at Lake Garda. In the north of Italy swimming rescue dogs are on duty at several lakes and the Mediterranean Sea. After traffic accidents, drowning is worldwide the second most common cau
05.09 04:45
Despite efforts to protect tigers for the past 4 decades, tigers continue to be hunted down - poached, poisoned and squeezed into small pockets of protected forests.Tigers play a pivotal role in maintaining the health of the forest ecosystem and ther
05.09 05:30
The Drakelow Tunnels are a former underground military complexused mainly for storage. However, during the construction and running of this facility, 6 people are thought to have died. It is believed most of the hauntings that occur here are from the
05.09 06:20
Izgalmas riport a bambuszvonatról, amelyben megismerjük utasait, és egyben bemutatja az életet, ahogyan az jelenleg Kambodzsában zajlik. E bambuszvonat nélkül az emberek nem tudnák elvégezni a napi teendőiket, például munkába vagy orvosh
05.09 07:15
It's the biggest museum in the world...the museum of artworks stolen over the centuries and never rediscovered. These works haunt the nightmares of their owners, and occupy the days of hundreds of police officers across the world, as well as those of
05.09 08:00
It's the biggest museum in the world...the museum of artworks stolen over the centuries and never rediscovered. These works haunt the nightmares of their owners, and occupy the days of hundreds of police officers across the world, as well as those of
05.09 08:40
A Szerengeti végtelen síkjain kétféle állat létezik: a gyors és a halott. A gepárdok és a gazellák végnélküli, változó eredményű futóversenyt vívnak. Az oroszlánok mindent az izmaikra bíznak. A krokodilok pedig őserővel rontana
05.09 09:30
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out
05.09 09:50
Bill Ball breaks the rules and stereo types of travel shows as he ventures beyond the highlights. What do you do after you've lead groups to over 140 countries and all 7 continents? Welcome to Bill's bucket list on steroids... Travel Quest. This new,
05.09 10:15
Fedezd fel, hogyan fejlődtek az állatok az idők során, hogy hogyan alakultak ki saját öngyógyító folyamataik, és hogy hogyan került ez a tudás a korai emberek birtokába! Az ember és az állat közötti hagyományos határokat megkérdő
05.09 11:10
A student is prepared to carry out the darting of a massive problematic buffalo that has been terrorizing staff members close to a camp. This task must be done on foot and the student needs to practice darting from many different distances before he
05.09 11:35
360° GEO - Report observed salt miners in the Peruvian Mountains. This documentary portrays the harsh day-to-day lives of the 'Salineros' as they work in a stunningly beautiful South American mountain landscape. The salt mines of Maras are situated
05.09 12:25
The international scientific community is called on to take sides and provide solid answers. "Surrounded by Waves" explores the methods and motivations behind the most prominent research in the field and clarifies what we currently know, all with a m
05.09 13:20
Megismerkedünk a legnagyobb nyugat-afrikai börtönnel. A Banco-erdő határán, a szem elől elrejtve található börtön 5000 elítéltnek ad otthont, de a befogadóképessége 1500 fő. A rabok segítségével a börtönben szervezett az élet,
05.09 14:20
About 71% of our planet's surface is covered by water, and about 97% of it is in the oceans. The sea also produces most of the oxygen we breathe. Thus, stimulating conservation and learning about also produces most of the oxygen we breathe. Thus, sti
05.09 15:10
Mi az európai identitás? Kulturális vagy politikai? Thibault Bourdon 8500 kilométert tesz meg kerékpárján, és a kontinens számos dialektusán és táján, fenséges hegyein és lenyűgöző szikláin halad át, hogy felfedezze ezt a 750 mill
05.09 16:05
A legendák szerint emberevők, és még a krokodilok is félnek tőlük. Egyesek szerint a folyó szellemei, "démoni halak", amelyek balszerencsét hoznak. Kevés embernek adatott meg, hogy élőben láthasson egyet, és a horgászlegenda Andy Coet
05.09 17:00
Egy vadrezervátumban felnőve, mi más célja lehet az életben, minthogy segítsen a vadon élő állatoknak kijutni a fogságból. Peter Meyer elmeséli, hogy kezdődött vált élete részévé a vadonés közben néhány hihetetlen pillanatot is
05.09 17:40
China runs on two gears as it moves millions of people around every day. A young driver of one of the world's fastest trains and two seasoned pilots of one of the world's biggest airlines are seeing the effects modernization and globalization have on
05.09 18:35
With its three nickel factories, New Caledonia is on the way to becoming one of the leading emitters of CO2 in the world. But some inhabitants are trying to make a change. May seaweed be the solution?
05.09 19:00
360° GEO - Report shows the people from St. Pierre and Miquelon, a French overseas collectivity, in their struggle between self-preservation and responsibility against nature. Saint Pierre and Miquelon - directly in front of Newfoundland's coast lay
05.09 19:55
There is a goldmine atmosphere in the Azores: in the crystal-clear water live 21 species of whales and dolphins. Their instinct for play and their empathy for humans make them a fantastic source of capital. Several whale-watching companies have been
05.09 20:45
A plunge into New Zealand's Ultramarathon preparations, a tradition that comes from a Maori legend. 55 year-old Lilac Fley is an athlete and many times winner of the extreme race. A Maori legend dictates the course of the Ultramarathon. It tells the
05.09 21:40
Outta Town Adventures travels both near and far to discover the best advenures the destinations have to offer. This TV series is dedicated to presenting history, culture and geography in a fun and pisitive way. It encourages people to explore this be
05.09 22:00
Show me where you live is a documentary series that aims to answer the following question: How can human beings claim ownership to a space so that they can live safely within it, function as a society, and above all be in harmony with the environment
05.09 22:30
Show me where you live is a documentary series that aims to answer the following question: How can human beings claim ownership to a space so that they can live safely within it, function as a society, and above all be in harmony with the environment
05.09 23:00
Seg 1 Monty Hall problem. The Monty Hall Problem poses a counter-instinctive dilemma of picking a choice with a higher probability of winning. It has been calculated that switching from a player's initial choice to the last option possible, after eli
05.09 23:30
360° GEO- Report visits the Nenets, the last true nomads on earth, on their remote Russian peninsula. Every August, on the Russian polar peninsula of Yamal, children of reindeer shepherds await a helicopter that will bring them back to school after

tv műsor 05.10 péntek

05.10 00:25
Via six masterpieces, the film reveals the beauty of the spirit of Versailles of the 17th and 18th centuries. A unique homage to the people that crafted it, the furniture reveals the personal tastes of its commissioners, and portrays something that h
05.10 01:15
360°GEO - Report spends the days in the run up to Easter on a flower farm. We also dive with playful grey seals in the Atlantic Ocean and reveal more than just the secrets of flower-growing.At the tip of the world - Landsend in Cornwall - are the Is
05.10 02:10
The valleys of Nepal, around the Himalayan Mountains - the highest in the world - are the home of a special group of people callled the Ghurkhas. Because of the discipline and endurance they exhibit in their daily fight for survival, they are employe
05.10 03:00
Fashion isn't just about adornment and style. What you wear can change the lives of people around the world, for better or worse. In this episode we look at how local designers and global chains respond to the growing demand for organic fashions. Fur
05.10 03:25
360° GEO - Report attended German supplier Rupert Krapp, on his tours through the rough landscape and picturesque fjords of Spitsbergen. The Arctic autumn is short. As early as the end of September the inhabitants of Spitsbergen prepare themselves f
05.10 04:15
Autism remains a mystery. People with autism will live with this disorder all their life and our societies are all facing the same question: how to take care of them? France lags behind on this subject. Comparing the experiences of other countries, I
05.10 05:10
We visit the home of Soccer legend Neil "Razor" Ruddock which seems to be haunted. Is it his home specifically? Or are these ghosts attached to him?
05.10 06:00
A film a kutyákkal kapcsolatos, széles körben elterjedt tévhiteket járja körbe. Zseniális kísérletek és aprólékos megfigyelések mutatják, hogy a kutyák az emberrel való interakciókat érintő problémákat oldják meg a legjobban. Le
05.10 06:45
Ez az első dokumentumfilm a Sri Lanka-i ember- leopárd konfliktusról. Az Emberevők - az emberevő leopárdok története című film a Sri Lanka-i emberevő leopárdok múltbeli és jelenlegi eseteit elemezve közelíti meg a konfliktust, és azt
05.10 07:30
A student is prepared to carry out the darting of a massive problematic buffalo that has been terrorizing staff members close to a camp. This task must be done on foot and the student needs to practice darting from many different distances before he
05.10 08:00
It's the biggest museum in the world...the museum of artworks stolen over the centuries and never rediscovered. These works haunt the nightmares of their owners, and occupy the days of hundreds of police officers across the world, as well as those of
05.10 08:40
Az esőerdei vadászok mesterien rejtőzködnek - titkos fegyverük azonban a sebesség... A filmben többek közt szemtanúi leszünk, amint egy kaméleon megdöbbentő erővel kilövi a nyelvét a szájából; amint egy gaboni vipera egy szemvilla
05.10 09:30
Július közepén, az antarktiszi tél idején, amikor az éjszakai hőmérséklet -20ºC-ra süllyed, kezdődik a Centolla-szezon a Tűzföldön. A pókrákok akár fél méter hosszúra is megnőhetnek, és csak néhány hónap áll a rednelkezésr
05.10 10:25
A Travel Thru History egy Emmy-díjra jelölt életmód- és utazási sorozat, amelynek célja, hogy felkeltse a nézők érdeklődését világunk gazdag és lenyűgöző történelme iránt, a világ különböző helyszíneire uta
05.10 10:45
Az emberiség már több mint egy évszázada repül. Leonardo da Vinci - a madarakból merítve ihletet - már az 1500-as években megpróbált repülőgépet építeni, de szerkezete végül nem működött. Azóta léggömbökkel és hatalmas lég
05.10 11:10
Az emberiség már több mint egy évszázada repül. Leonardo da Vinci - a madarakból merítve ihletet - már az 1500-as években megpróbált repülőgépet építeni, de szerkezete végül nem működött. Azóta léggömbökkel és hatalmas lég
05.10 11:35
Hydraulic Fracturing or "Fracking" is a new technology that has opened up immense resources of natural gas buried in deep shale beds. Some see it as the answer to the energy crisis and a chance at energy independence. But fracking has become an incre
05.10 12:25
Derek Acorah's The Past Hunters investigate Thackray Medical Museum, believed to one of Leeds most haunted buildings. Workers claim to have witnessed constant paranormal activity in the museum and one claim is that two Victorian ghosts are trapped in
05.10 13:10
During many years, scientists and institutions fought to avoid the extinction of the Bucardo, a rare Pyrenean mountain goat. In 2003, Spanish and French scientists managed to clone the last bucardo. It was the first time in history that an extinct an
05.10 14:10
A Boteti folyó Botswana északi részén 20 éve elapadt, így a zebrák, vízilovak, elefántok és krokodilok az időnként lezúduló esőzések után maradó tócsáknak lettek kiszolgáltatva. 30 év óta most először azonban több száz kilo
05.10 15:00
In the Starlight is an intimate portrayal about the life of nature photographer Paul Zizka and his quest to capture the night skies.
05.10 15:50
Sabbatical Entertainment's exclusive original documentary admires Christian Dior, the famous French fashion designer whose post-World War II creations were wildly popular and whose legacy continues to influence the fashion industry.
05.10 16:40
dél-afrikai ismeretterjesztő film, 2011
Északkelet-Madagaszkár magas hegyei közt él a világ egyik leginkább veszélyeztetett főemlőse. Napjainkban ezernél is kevesebb selymes szifaka van már csak életben, és a távoli őserdő e szeglete, amelyet úgy hívnak, Marojejy-Anjanah
05.10 17:30
Fashion designer Ji Cheng has shown her designs at London fashion week and, like beauty stylist A Zhi, is beginning to challenge the monopoly of Western brands in China. New levels of expendable income mean the wallets of the wealthy elite are helpin
05.10 18:30
Canadians' attention has been briefly grabbed by the headline: the story--an abnormally high number of overdose deaths caused by a drug called fentanyl. It merited a few days attention and then was pushed off the stage by other concerns. What Canadia
05.10 19:15
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out
05.10 19:40
Rosemary találkozik a természetvédelmi terület legritkább nagyragadozóival, a gepárdokkal. A Pungwe falka derékig belefeledkezik a vadászatba, amikor egy gnut üldöznek egy víztározóba, majd egy újabb csordát vesznek célba.
05.10 20:25
The film follows Nigel and his dogs throughout the summer. Nigel Watkins is a farmer and vice-world champion sheepdog handler. Together with his partner, Janet, he runs his little farm Llanddeusant in the Brecon Beacons National Park in the south of
05.10 21:15
A documentary of a true pioneer of fashion. Sabbatical Entertainment celebrates one of the most influential designers ever as we explore the designer's unparalleled professional acclaim, as well as his fascinating and tumultuous personal life. Yves S
05.10 22:00
Show me where you live is a documentary series that aims to answer the following question: How can human beings claim ownership to a space so that they can live safely within it, function as a society, and above all be in harmony with the environment
05.10 22:30
Show me where you live is a documentary series that aims to answer the following question: How can human beings claim ownership to a space so that they can live safely within it, function as a society, and above all be in harmony with the environment
05.10 23:00
Seg 1 Carrion flowers. Carrion flowers are the unorthodox perception of flowers for they are rare, big, and very unpleasant. Other terms are stink flowers and corpse flowers. The biggest flower in the world, rafflesia arnoldii, is a carrion flower. T
05.10 23:30
There is more to Japan's natural landscape than just Mount Fuji! Discover the country's numerous mountains and the ethos of the people who live there. From mountains with eight peaks, mountain gods who keep locals in their awe to building snow monste

tv műsor 05.11 szombat

05.11 00:20
The six remaining Indian tribes of the Tsilqhot'in in Canada are trying to combat the commercialization and exploitation of their land. The Xeni Gwet'in First Nation has been litigating to finally secure rights to their own land against the British C
05.11 01:20
In former times, 4.000 elephants and their Mahouts used to work in Thailand's forestry but nowadays, they are no longer welcome in Bangkok. Since then, at the end of the 1980s, when the government stopped deforestation, they have been unemployed. Mor
05.11 02:10
Series introduction and the study of Earth from orbit. The sky above is littered with stars and countless galaxies. It is where we come from and where we are destined to return. The first phase of this journey is complete, now commences the second, w
05.11 02:35
A Földet tanulmányozzuk a Föld körüli pályáról. Az égbolt felettünk csillagokkal és számtalan galaxissal van tele. Onnan jöttünk, és oda vagyunk hivatottak visszatérni. Ennek az utazásnak az első szakaszán mát túlvagyunk, a köve
05.11 03:05
An oasis of serenity and a Mediterranean paradise with fantastic, untouched beaches, a turquoise sea, white sands and magnificent nature, including a horse trail slash hiking trail stretching around the entire island.
05.11 03:40
A Travel Thru History egy Emmy-díjra jelölt életmód- és utazási sorozat, amelynek célja, hogy felkeltse a nézők érdeklődését világunk gazdag és lenyűgöző történelme iránt, a világ különböző helyszíneire uta
05.11 04:05
A Travel Thru History egy Emmy-díjra jelölt életmód- és utazási sorozat, amelynek célja, hogy felkeltse a nézők érdeklődését világunk gazdag és lenyűgöző történelme iránt, a világ különböző helyszíneire uta
05.11 04:30
Blackpool Pleasure Beach is one of the most visited attractions in the United Kingdom. People visit it not only for the fun, but to also hopefully catch a glimpse of the many ghosts that haunt there.
05.11 05:15
Forests are crucial for our survival on Earth. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and supply all living forms with clean oxygen. "We are like a patient in a hospital bed that is turning down their oxygen tank and thinking they could live
05.11 06:10
Apple, the brand that symbolises counter-culture, has become a giant that dictates cultural norms and trends. At the root of their success story lies the genius marketing ploy of making mainstream power look tacky by declaring themselves counter to i
05.11 07:05
Millions of golden yellow fruits dry out in the sun. They are called 'Gold of Mesopotamia', the juicy apricots of Anatolia. On the plantations at the shore of the Euphrates grow 95 % of all apricots processed worldwide. But the idyllic atmosphere is
05.11 08:00
It's the biggest museum in the world...the museum of artworks stolen over the centuries and never rediscovered. These works haunt the nightmares of their owners, and occupy the days of hundreds of police officers across the world, as well as those of
05.11 08:40
Zenith - Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
05.11 09:10
Zenith - Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
05.11 09:40
Nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, the small kingdom of Bhutan has decided to do away with the dictatorship of Gross Domestic Product and economic growth at all costs. A new wealth indicator has now become the country's gold standard: Gross Natio
05.11 10:45
Az emberiség már több mint egy évszázada repül. Leonardo da Vinci - a madarakból merítve ihletet - már az 1500-as években megpróbált repülőgépet építeni, de szerkezete végül nem működött. Azóta léggömbökkel és hatalmas lég
05.11 11:10
Az emberiség már több mint egy évszázada repül. Leonardo da Vinci - a madarakból merítve ihletet - már az 1500-as években megpróbált repülőgépet építeni, de szerkezete végül nem működött. Azóta léggömbökkel és hatalmas lég
05.11 11:40
Peppered across Africa are a few iconic locations that are renowned for killing action. Arenas bathed in a history of blood, places where Africa's icons have hunted successfully for generations. Predators here develop unique and clever ways to hunt.
05.11 12:30
Bolygónk felmelegszik, és ennek egyik első áldozata az élelmiszert biztosító növények lesznek. A SEED HUNTER lenyűgöző utazásra invitálja a nézőket Ausztrália aszály sújtotta farmjaitól a Közel-Kelet szívéig, ahol a karizmatiku
05.11 13:20
Soumik a zenei gyökereit keresve érkezik az öröm városába, Kalkuttába, és összeállítja a csapatát. Elindulnak a falvakba, hogy megkeressék a Bauls néven ismert vándorzenészeket. Útjuk egyre mélyebbre vezeti őket az elszegényedett
05.11 13:50
In Ajmer, Soumik meets Qawwali group who invite him to play inside the spectactular Ajmer Sharif Darga. He crashes a wedding, jams with tribal drummers, escapes from the police and discovers a group of women singers who have never left their village
05.11 14:20
For 15 years the Big Coast Crew has remained completely committed to expedition boating, showcasing West Coast adventure and telling the tales of this final frontier. From iconic Chinook salmon to Grizzlies, Spirit Bear and Orcas, incredible wildlife
05.11 14:45
Fishing Prince Rupert, Ha-Nee-Nah Lodge on Dundas Island and Hecate Strait for Chinook Salmon and Pacific Halibut!
05.11 15:10
For many people Hawaii is paradise on earth. The Archipelago is a veritable jewel in need of special protection. 360° GEO Report closely follows Hawaii's Nature Conservation patrol. The police of the Departments of Land and Natural Resources carry o
05.11 16:05
Amikor egy ragadozó madár lecsap prédájára, olyan gyorsan történnek a dolgok, hogy szabad szemmel képtelenek vagyunk követni az eseményeket. A film operatőrei azonban több támadást is filmre vettek, lehetőséget biztosítva
05.11 16:35
Outta Town Adventures travels both near and far to discover the best advenures the destinations have to offer. This TV series is dedicated to presenting history, culture and geography in a fun and pisitive way. It encourages people to explore this be
05.11 17:00
Outta Town Adventures travels both near and far to discover the best advenures the destinations have to offer. This TV series is dedicated to presenting history, culture and geography in a fun and pisitive way. It encourages people to explore this be
05.11 17:25
Famous Chinese Erhu player Zhao Lei is leaving his stamp on classical Chinese music by experimenting with musical fusion between the East and West. On a sharper note in downtown Shanghai, Yuyintang Livehouse opens its doors to contemporary music love
05.11 18:30
Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we expe
05.11 18:55
Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we expe
05.11 19:20
A resident baboon on one of the ranches requires some human help to extract a snare. The splinters pack run into a coalition of cheetahs. Jess visits the new-born Splinters pups. Pungwe are on the hunt for big game as they take on formidable buffalo.
05.11 20:00
Masters of stealth or speed, using enhanced senses and lethal strategies to hunt, Africa's killers include the incredibly fast cheetah and lions, which while slower, have raw power and ingenious teamwork on their side. The rivers, meanwhile, hold fea
05.11 20:50
17 year old Ester and her dog Mia have big plans: saving lives at Lake Garda. In the north of Italy swimming rescue dogs are on duty at several lakes and the Mediterranean Sea. After traffic accidents, drowning is worldwide the second most common cau
05.11 21:45
Is your home making your family sick? From cleaners to carpets, most of our homes are filled with potentially deadly chemicals. New mother Jaya Bone wants to keep her baby happy and healthy, but worries that she can't afford an all-organic house. She
05.11 22:10
This films reveals the extraordinary variety of life found in the vast blue expanses of te open ocean. Here, all the action takes place in a 10 metre deep band of water, just under the surface. Many species use this section of water to migrate and hu
05.11 23:00
A film négy különleges búvár kalandját követi, akik a Bahamák szigetvilágának szívében található hajóroncsokat kutatják fel, hogy felfedezzék a bennük rejlő váratlan életet.
05.11 23:50
A plunge into New Zealand's Ultramarathon preparations, a tradition that comes from a Maori legend. 55 year-old Lilac Fley is an athlete and many times winner of the extreme race. A Maori legend dictates the course of the Ultramarathon. It tells the

tv műsor 05.12 vasárnap

05.12 00:45
Rick Dirks Kalifornia egyik legjobb fáramászója. Szűz méter magas mamutfenyőket is képes megmászni, és mindezt lélegzetelállító sebességgel teszi. Éjszakára még hálózsákba is köti magát ezeknek az óriásfáknak a koronájához.
05.12 01:40
The international scientific community is called on to take sides and provide solid answers. "Surrounded by Waves" explores the methods and motivations behind the most prominent research in the field and clarifies what we currently know, all with a m
05.12 02:35
They orbit between us and our Star, the inner worlds; hidden within the sun's glare often only visible at sunrise or sunset. Venus the first and brightest star in the evening sky, and Mercury fleeting across the solar disk. They are half of our solar
05.12 03:00
From the beginnings of our Solar System four and half billion years ago there remains tantalizing clues to its evolution; remnent debris: asteroids and comets. They vary in size from grains of dust to mountain sides, footballs to planetoids. They wer
05.12 03:25
The European islands are renowned primarily for their hotel resorts. However, we will show you a completely different face of theirs: forests, beaches, coves, mountains, valleys and rivers. Perhaps you will find places that will take your breath away
05.12 03:55
A Travel Thru History egy Emmy-díjra jelölt életmód- és utazási sorozat, amelynek célja, hogy felkeltse a nézők érdeklődését világunk gazdag és lenyűgöző történelme iránt, a világ különböző helyszíneire uta
05.12 04:20
A Travel Thru History egy Emmy-díjra jelölt életmód- és utazási sorozat, amelynek célja, hogy felkeltse a nézők érdeklődését világunk gazdag és lenyűgöző történelme iránt, a világ különböző helyszíneire uta
05.12 04:45
Built in the early 1800s, Whitby Hall used to be an administrative center and now stands as a public park and arts center. It has never before been investigated, but staff have reported many noises and presences among them.
05.12 05:35
The First World War: soldiers from at least 20 countries were plunged in the hell of trenches and caught under a deluge of bombs. A century later, archaeologists help bring to light the daily life of the soldiers fighting on the French Eastern Front
05.12 06:30
They are the men who are making History. In a time of crisis or war, any personal decision by any national leader can change everything. Like a 24h thriller, through archives and historical reconstitutions, live the day when great individual choices
05.12 07:25
Seg 1 Visually-Evoked Auditory Response. VEAR or Visually Evoked Auditory response is the type of auditory perception where our brains perceive to hear sounds in response to seeing something. In the case of the jumping pylon illusion, a thud sound is
05.12 08:00
It's the biggest museum in the world...the museum of artworks stolen over the centuries and never rediscovered. These works haunt the nightmares of their owners, and occupy the days of hundreds of police officers across the world, as well as those of
05.12 08:45
Zenith - Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
05.12 09:10
Zenith - Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
05.12 09:40
Egy fiatal francia házaspár, Clémentine Bacri és Adrien Normier egyéves föld körüli útra indul egy könnyűszerkezetes repülőgép fedélzetén, amely a tudomány és az oktatás szolgálatában áll. Céljuk: légi támogatást nyújtani a
05.12 10:10
A young French couple, Clémentine Bacri and Adrien Normier set off on a one year long journey around the planet on board a light aircraft dedicated to science and education. Their goal: offer aerial support to public research laboratories, an unique
05.12 10:40
Az emberiség már több mint egy évszázada repül. Leonardo da Vinci - a madarakból merítve ihletet - már az 1500-as években megpróbált repülőgépet építeni, de szerkezete végül nem működött. Azóta léggömbökkel és hatalmas lég
05.12 11:05
Az emberiség már több mint egy évszázada repül. Leonardo da Vinci - a madarakból merítve ihletet - már az 1500-as években megpróbált repülőgépet építeni, de szerkezete végül nem működött. Azóta léggömbökkel és hatalmas lég
05.12 11:35
On the plains of East Africa an epic journey is underway. Millions of wildebeest and thousands of zebras march in an annual, circular migration in search of lush grazing.Two major rivers, the Mara and the Grumeti, intersect their route and force the
05.12 12:25
La récolte du précieux thé vert et le secret de ses pouvoirs bénéfiques. Au printemps, le Japon tout entier attend le first flush, la premiére cueillette du noble sencha, thé vert cultivé dans l'ile de Kyushu . Kazuo Watanabe lui a consacré
05.12 13:20
High in the eastern mountains in a remote corner of India, Soumik encounters the Naga tribes. They teach him about their mysterious customs, chicken dances and head-hunting traditions, part of a unique identity at the brink of extinction. The Nagas w
05.12 13:50
In the world's oldest city of Varanasi, Soumik explores a neighbourhood that has produced five generations of Indian classical masters. He meets widowed women singers who have committed their lives to the Hindu God, Shiva, and a young drummer with th
05.12 14:20
Running the Portland Canal from Prince Rupert to Alaska...and fishing Alaskan Halibut!
05.12 14:45
Trolling for Chinook Salmon in Prince Rupert then making big run Southbound to Hartley Bay through Grenville Channel!
05.12 15:10
Seg 1 Carrion flowers. Carrion flowers are the unorthodox perception of flowers for they are rare, big, and very unpleasant. Other terms are stink flowers and corpse flowers. The biggest flower in the world, rafflesia arnoldii, is a carrion flower. T
05.12 15:45
From the streets of Soweto to the colonial Union Building, the metro area of Joburg is a mix of architecture, people and traditions. Johannesburg is more than just a big city-it's also home to one of the world's best safari parks.
05.12 16:10
In all previous Journeys' shows, only glimpses of the cheetah were seen. Here at Kruger, we get up close to this shy cat before heading out of the park and visiting a special research and breeding center dedicated to cheetahs.
05.12 16:40
The return to life in the wild for 3 captive sun bears.
05.12 17:30
Two brothers from rural China train in the art of Kung Fu in the hopes of elevating their lives however minimally. Meanwhile, rich kids in the city attend private English schools to improve their chances to study abroad. But China's favorite philanth
05.12 18:35
Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we expe
05.12 19:00
Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we expe
05.12 19:25
As a new year starts in the heart of Africa, the rainy season has come to the Okavango Delta in Botswana, and with it begins a season of plenty and the luxury of permanent and abundant water sources. In South Africa's Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve,
05.12 20:10
The discovery in Jerusalem in 2007 of a tomb said to belong to the family of Jesus of Nazareth is just the latest in a long line of extraordinary finds which have recently come to light in the Holy Land. But not all these finds are quite what they se
05.12 21:00
The cheetah is a highly specialised animal. It excels at one thing alone, running down high-speed prey faster than any other mammal on earth.But this specialisation comes at a cost. The cheetah as a predatory model seems focussed on one single area o
05.12 21:50
A revolutionary fragrance needs a visionary woman to create it! Gabrielle Chanel, the woman liberated others from corsage made the delightful perfume Chanel N°5 which remains the symbol of elegance around the world. This documentary will take you to
05.12 22:15
Sabbatical Entertainment's exclusive original documentary admires Christian Dior, the famous French fashion designer whose post-World War II creations were wildly popular and whose legacy continues to influence the fashion industry.
05.12 23:00
360°GEO - Report accompanies goose barnacle fishermen on a trip to the deadly cliffs. But even there, the goose barnacle population is declining rapidly.Their working district is the "Costa del Morte" - the "Coast of Death", where the oil tanker "Pr
05.12 23:55
When Portuguese seafarers discovered the island of Madeira in 1419, it was completely uninhabited and covered with impenetrable forests.

They rolled up their sleeves and got to work.

They built canals called "levadas" to distribute water from the isl

tv műsor 05.13 hétfő

05.13 00:30
For centuries, in Japan, mollusc fishing has been a women business. 360° Geo - Report takes a plunge into the closed world of a group of "Ama".For centuries, diving for seafood in Japan has been 'ladies work' and is done by "Ama", or "women of the s
05.13 01:25
The report accompanies Austrian farmers in the highest mountain of the country - the Glossglockner - from July until Christmas, throughout the changing seasons. It is mid-June and summer is finding its way into the valleys of East Tyrol, even though
05.13 02:25
Beyond the asteroid belt lay the ice giants, some can be seen with the naked eye, others only glimpsed once by a passing probe. We are again sending cameras to the edge of the solar system giving us new insights into the evolution of our worlds.
05.13 02:50
These are the the Moon's of the gas giants. Each a unique and mysterious world of its own. Some have oceans of water, geysers of Sulphur or atmospheres of plastic. Some are just now being seen at the outer rim of our solar system, all are worthy of m
05.13 03:15
Zenith - Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
05.13 03:45
A Travel Thru History egy Emmy-díjra jelölt életmód- és utazási sorozat, amelynek célja, hogy felkeltse a nézők érdeklődését világunk gazdag és lenyűgöző történelme iránt, a világ különböző helyszíneire uta
05.13 04:10
A Travel Thru History egy Emmy-díjra jelölt életmód- és utazási sorozat, amelynek célja, hogy felkeltse a nézők érdeklődését világunk gazdag és lenyűgöző történelme iránt, a világ különböző helyszíneire uta
05.13 04:35
Carnfield Hall is a country house dating from the 15th and 16th Centuries. This private residence turn event hall is using its paranormal activity to draw in business. Are these spirits the old residents?
05.13 05:30
The First World War: soldiers from at least 20 countries were plunged in the hell of trenches and caught under a deluge of bombs. A century later, archaeologists help bring to light the daily life of the soldiers fighting on the French Eastern Front
05.13 06:30
They are the men who are making History. In a time of crisis or war, any personal decision by any national leader can change everything. Like a 24h thriller, through archives and historical reconstitutions, live the day when great individual choices
05.13 07:25
It's called La Isla Bonita, meaning "the beautiful island", or also La Isla Verde -"the green island" - as it is the greenest of all the Canary Islands.

Every few hundred meters, it offers an entirely different and unique view.

From tropical cloud f

05.13 08:00
It's the biggest museum in the world...the museum of artworks stolen over the centuries and never rediscovered. These works haunt the nightmares of their owners, and occupy the days of hundreds of police officers across the world, as well as those of
05.13 08:40
Zenith - Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
05.13 09:10
Camouflaged cats. Some animals will never be inconspicuous, others blend so perfectly with their surroundings that they can move through them without detection. For many of the cats of Africa, camouflage is key to survival. From the spots of the chee
05.13 09:35
A young French couple, Clémentine Bacri and Adrien Normier set off on a one year long journey around the planet on board a light aircraft dedicated to science and education. Their goal: offer aerial support to public research laboratories, an unique
05.13 10:05
A young French couple, Clémentine Bacri and Adrien Normier set off on a one year long journey around the planet on board a light aircraft dedicated to science and education. Their goal: offer aerial support to public research laboratories, an unique
05.13 10:35
17 year old Ester and her dog Mia have big plans: saving lives at Lake Garda. In the north of Italy swimming rescue dogs are on duty at several lakes and the Mediterranean Sea. After traffic accidents, drowning is worldwide the second most common cau
05.13 11:30
Peppered across Africa are a few iconic locations that are renowned for killing action. Arenas bathed in a history of blood, places where Africa's icons have hunted successfully for generations. Predators here develop unique and clever ways to hunt.
05.13 12:25
10 years ago, Europe almost witnessed the first dying out of a predatory cat since the sabre-toothed tiger when only about a hundred Iberian Lynxes remained in existance. Still today, the Iberian Lynx is one of the most threatened species of predator
05.13 13:20
Ez az első dokumentumfilm a Sri Lanka-i ember- leopárd konfliktusról. Az Emberevők - az emberevő leopárdok története című film a Sri Lanka-i emberevő leopárdok múltbeli és jelenlegi eseteit elemezve közelíti meg a konfliktust, és azt
05.13 14:05
This film follows four Oxford University students as they embark on an epic, unsupported journey across the island of Svalbard, a deserted and barren icy wilderness in the north of Scandinavia. Their goal is to successfully retrace an expedition carr
05.13 14:55
This film is a visual thrill, a dream come true of men flying alongside the last Wild Eagle living in the Alps. It is the story of an unlikely encounter between Roi the last Sea Eagle in the wild in the French Alps and Kaaba a bird of the same specie
05.13 15:50
The Golden Temple is the centerpiece of the city of Amritsar, and probably the second most photographed building in India, but few know about the building or the people who built it. The most significant building to people of the Sikh faith, it is op
05.13 16:20
Agra is home to India's most recognizable monument-the Taj Mahal. First, we tour the Agra Fort and learn its role in the incredible history behind the Taj Mahal's construction. Bill takes us to a factory where we learn how the craft of stone inlay th
05.13 16:45
Ma már csak 6000 orángután él Szumátrán. A pesszimista becslések szerint ennek a veszélyeztetett fajnak a túlélési esélyei meglehetősen korlátozottnak tűnnek. Kihalásuk fő oka az, hogy természetes élőhelyüket elpusztítják a jö
05.13 17:40
Despite the constant looming threat of globalization, some beloved old traditions, like the Szechuan chili and hotpots are still mainstays in Chinese culture. But while some traditions thrive, some face big challenges. A rare look at the enigma of Ti
05.13 18:40
Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance, is today a so-called "museum-city". The small city center is invaded by thousands of tourists every day. But there is one sport tourists usually don't know : the calcio florentino, a violent game with no rules
05.13 19:40
On the North-Western tip of Greenland, fathers give their boys small dog sledges as soon as they can walk. The toy is meant to teach them hunting, a survival skill for Polar Inuits. Increasingly fewer boys, however, want to become hunters. 12-year-ol
05.13 20:35
A vidék vad és zord, viharos szelek és tengerek uralják. Lakossága büszke és akaratos. Sokan közülük még ma is beszélik őshonos nyelvüket. A kelták Bretagne-t "Armorica"-nak, "a tengerparti helynek" nevezték. Az Atlanti-óceán uralja
05.13 21:30
Tenerife is the largest and most diverse of the seven Canary Island.

It is home to Spain's highest mountain - Pico del Teide with an elevation of nearly 4OOO meters.

Tenerife includes an incredible ten defined climate zones!!!

There are substantial d

05.13 22:05
Show me where you live is a documentary series that aims to answer the following question: How can human beings claim ownership to a space so that they can live safely within it, function as a society, and above all be in harmony with the environment
05.13 22:30
Show me where you live is a documentary series that aims to answer the following question: How can human beings claim ownership to a space so that they can live safely within it, function as a society, and above all be in harmony with the environment
05.13 23:00
Üdülőhely delfinekkel, fókákkal és vízi parkkal, sivatagi élmények, solymászat és tevegelés, beltéri síelés, a világ legnagyobb bevásárlóközpontja és Kidzania.
05.13 23:30
Dans les coulisses d'un réve devenu réalité, á Manhattan : un opéra de 100 places, aussi réputé qu'il est petit. On dit que ceux qui réussissent á New York réussiront n'importe oú. Tony Amato y est arrivé en 1940 pour réaliser un réve :
Válasszon kedvenc csatornáiból!