Napi tv-műsor

05.19 00:25
In August 2004 in Bulgaria, archaeologist Georgi Kitov made a spectacular discovery in the valley of the Thracian Kings, a valley where about twenty temples and royal tombs are located. Kitov accessed a still-intact ancient tomb, which housed incredi
05.19 01:20
360° GEO - Report takes part in an exhausting journey exhausting journey through desert heat and drought. In the times of the pharaohs, people trekked through the desert between what is today Sudan and Egypt. They travelled in camel-caravans, loaded
05.19 02:15
Zenith - Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
05.19 02:45
Zenith - Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
05.19 03:15
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out
05.19 03:40
Bonjour! We're headed to Quebec Province on today's show. First, we get blown away by the thunderous pipes at Montreal's Notre Dame Basilica. After that, we go underneath the city at the Pointe a Calliere archaeology museum. Next, we'll learn about t
05.19 04:05
This episode we visit the bright lights of Vancouver, Canada. We'll swing along the famous Capilano Suspension Bridge, get tranquil in Dr. Sun Yat Sen's Chinese garden, learn about Captain Vancouver at the Vancouver Maritime Museum, dig up Cesna Em "
05.19 04:25
China runs on two gears as it moves millions of people around every day. A young driver of one of the world's fastest trains and two seasoned pilots of one of the world's biggest airlines are seeing the effects modernization and globalization have on
05.19 05:20
A resident baboon on one of the ranches requires some human help to extract a snare. The splinters pack run into a coalition of cheetahs. Jess visits the new-born Splinters pups. Pungwe are on the hunt for big game as they take on formidable buffalo.
05.19 06:05
When Portuguese seafarers discovered the island of Madeira in 1419, it was completely uninhabited and covered with impenetrable forests.

They rolled up their sleeves and got to work.

They built canals called "levadas" to distribute water from the isl

05.19 06:40
Baja California - a 1000 mile long desert peninsula. The Sea of Cortez, separating it from the Mexican mainland, is studded with islands, large and small.It's a sea teeming with lifeThe islands may be barren but oceanic upwellings draw in massive sch
05.19 07:30
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out
05.19 08:00
A hajóval való utazás a szabadság felbecsülhetetlen érzését hordozza magában, és számos kalandot kínál minden utas számára. A világ vízi útjain a hajók a mindennapi élet nélkülözhetetlen eszközei, akár árukat szállítanak,
05.19 08:55
Snow is a fascinating world of crystals that animals, plants, and humans have had to adapt to, in order to benefit from its best and survive its worst attributes. Some communities live with Tornadoes by building homes with survival features and rathe
05.19 09:25
What is La Nina and how is it being monitored? Find out the effects and the reach that this system is influencing. How did Indian Summer get its name and what is the science behind the phenomenon?

Winter is the season that has the biggest effect on t

05.19 09:55
"The funky new Lima is vibrant, colorful and rhythmic, Co - host Alvaro is a rockstar in Peru and we see the young Lima through his eyes, from meeting his friends in music, we also get to see Lima off the tourist grid, through the lif e of a 'Trendse
05.19 10:45
Come with us as we explore and unravel the mysteries of what lies beyond our planet Earth. This is a series packed with space stories and information about our universe covering what we can see, how we can live in space and what science tells us abou
05.19 11:20
Seg 1 Animation. Animation is the process and technique that involves creating the illusion of movement from still drawings and inanimate objects. It is achieved by displaying images with slight variations in a rapid

and successive manner thus making

05.19 11:50
A boma is created with a funnel system and students are placed in strategic areas to man the curtain rails..
05.19 12:15
A student is prepared to carry out the darting of a massive problematic buffalo that has been terrorizing staff members close to a camp. This task must be done on foot and the student needs to practice darting from many different distances before he
05.19 12:40
Apple, the brand that symbolises counter-culture, has become a giant that dictates cultural norms and trends. At the root of their success story lies the genius marketing ploy of making mainstream power look tacky by declaring themselves counter to i
05.19 13:30
In this episode we examine advances in aviation that include flying cars being developed by Slovakian and Japanese companies. Ride share companies are also considering aerial options, with Uber among those working on autonomous urban aircraft that wi
05.19 14:00
In this episode we travel on a space tourist test flight that flies high above the Earth. It's just one of the options available for wealthy thrill-seekers looking to defy gravity on a trip above our atmosphere. We also look at the latest spacesuits
05.19 14:25
The Indian NGO Akshaya Patra runs 17 industrial kitchens in eight Indian states, and feeds 120 million students. These are children whose parents cannot afford a warm meal for their offspring. In the city of Hubli-Dharwad alone, 180,000 children are
05.19 15:15
Battered by strong winds, and seen as a grazing land, Mongolia is the kingdom of steppes. With important mineral resources such as copper or uranium, coal and rare soil, Mongolia future is secure: the economy shows a significant growth rate and it is
05.19 15:35
Az utcai foci világméretű jelenség, amelyet bárki játszhat, kortól, nemtől és származási helytől függetlenül. Nincs szükség stadionra, fehér vonalakra, zöld fűre, de még cipőre sem! A sorozat minden egyes epizódjában egy feltö
05.19 16:05
Az utcai foci világméretű jelenség, amelyet bárki játszhat, kortól, nemtől és származási helytől függetlenül. Nincs szükség stadionra, fehér vonalakra, zöld fűre, de még cipőre sem! A sorozat minden egyes epizódjában egy feltö
05.19 16:35
With an epidemic of cancers among adults, and widespread asthma among children, China and India are on a constant health alert. Nor is the rest of the world free from harm as the pollutants are travelling.
05.19 17:30
Egy prédaállat két út közül választhat, ha életben akar maradni: vagy olyan védekezési mechanizmust fejleszt ki magának, mellyel a siker esélyével veheti fel a harcot a ragadozókkal, vagy - ami a legbiztosabb - olyan g
05.19 18:00
Amikor egy ragadozó madár lecsap prédájára, olyan gyorsan történnek a dolgok, hogy szabad szemmel képtelenek vagyunk követni az eseményeket. A film operatőrei azonban több támadást is filmre vettek, lehetőséget biztosítva
05.19 18:30
For centuries, in Japan, mollusc fishing has been a women business. 360° Geo - Report takes a plunge into the closed world of a group of "Ama".For centuries, diving for seafood in Japan has been 'ladies work' and is done by "Ama", or "women of the s
05.19 19:25
What are the health costs of beauty? In this episode, we examine products like lipstick, foundation, eyeliner and mascara. Aspiring actress Gracie Robbin is concerned about the health risks she takes in order to be beautiful. She visits with celebrat
05.19 19:50
In episode 2 we explore the more "nourishing" side of personal products, examining moisturizers, cleansers and toothpaste. Lawyer Holly Rasky worries that her favourite products are going to make her sick. Author and EcoHolic activist Adria Vasil tak
05.19 20:15
Afrika egyes részeit még a legkalandvágyóbb horgászok sem fedezték fel. A háborúk, a zavargások és a bizonytalanságok miatt különösen a Nílus- medence nagy része túl nagy kihívást és veszélyt jelentett a látogatáshoz.
05.19 21:05
The angonoka tortoise, as the local Madagascans call the ploughshare tortoise, is an especially elegant tortoise with a high-domed golden shell. Reaching an age of well over 100 years, they are found in the wild only on Madagascar, off the south-east
05.19 22:00
Seg 1 Body Transfer Illusion. The Body Transfer Illusion is the illusion of perceiving another object to be part of your body. This is best exemplified by the rubber hand experiment where in a volunteer is a shown a rubber hand while their real hand
05.19 22:30
Seg 1 Monty Hall problem. The Monty Hall Problem poses a counter-instinctive dilemma of picking a choice with a higher probability of winning. It has been calculated that switching from a player's initial choice to the last option possible, after eli
05.19 23:00
Az egymást követő évmilliárdok során a tengeri élőlények mesteri vadászokká fejlesztették magukat - s sokuk technikájában a sebesség kulcsszerepet játszik. A kőhalak vákuumot képezve kebelezik be prédájukat; a fókák halálra os
05.19 23:50
Ray a világhírű Nagy-korallzátonyhoz utazik, ahol közelről figyelhet meg atlanti ördögrájákat, közönséges levesteknősöket és más egzotikus tengeri élőlényeket, és még annak is szemtanúja lehet, amint egy újszülö
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