Napi tv-műsor

05.08 00:40
A vidék vad és zord, viharos szelek és tengerek uralják. Lakossága büszke és akaratos. Sokan közülük még ma is beszélik őshonos nyelvüket. A kelták Bretagne-t "Armorica"-nak, "a tengerparti helynek" nevezték. Az Atlanti-óceán uralja
05.08 01:30
There is more to Japan's natural landscape than just Mount Fuji! Discover the country's numerous mountains and the ethos of the people who live there. From mountains with eight peaks, mountain gods who keep locals in their awe to building snow monste
05.08 02:30
This report accompanies a polar cargo ship through the Arctic Sea and provides a rare insight into the interior of the Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker float. Along the north coast of Russia, a land of climatic extremes, lies one of the most diffic
05.08 03:20
A tengerben élő állatok döntő többsége ragadozó életmódot folytat. A film néhány látványos vadásztaktikát és -fegyverzetet mutat be a cápák, barrakudák és murénák példáján keresztül.
05.08 03:50
A tengerekben élő állatok többsége nemcsak vadász, de áldozat is egyben - a film a legötletesebb álcázási, védekezési és táplálékszerzési technikákat mutatja be látványos felvételek segítségével.
05.08 04:20
This film follows four Oxford University students as they embark on an epic, unsupported journey across the island of Svalbard, a deserted and barren icy wilderness in the north of Scandinavia. Their goal is to successfully retrace an expedition carr
05.08 05:15
The Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker is a former government-owned nuclear bunker located at Hack Green, Cheshire, England. It Started as a decoy site for enemy bombers but later developed into a legitimate base. Now it is ripe with hauntings.
05.08 06:00
A Travel Thru History egy Emmy-díjra jelölt életmód- és utazási sorozat, amelynek célja, hogy felkeltse a nézők érdeklődését világunk gazdag és lenyűgöző történelme iránt, a világ különböző helyszíneire uta
05.08 06:20
Afrika vízi útjain egyetlen ragadozó uralkodik: a nílusi krokodil. A Föld egyik legnagyobb és leghalálosabb hüllője félelmetes hírnévnek örvend, és rettegésben tartja azokat, akik osztoznak a birodalmán. A számtalan támadás, amelye
05.08 07:15
It's the biggest museum in the world...the museum of artworks stolen over the centuries and never rediscovered. These works haunt the nightmares of their owners, and occupy the days of hundreds of police officers across the world, as well as those of
05.08 08:00
Soumik a zenei gyökereit keresve érkezik az öröm városába, Kalkuttába, és összeállítja a csapatát. Elindulnak a falvakba, hogy megkeressék a Bauls néven ismert vándorzenészeket. Útjuk egyre mélyebbre vezeti őket az elszegényedett
05.08 08:30
Az egymást követő évmilliárdok során a tengeri élőlények mesteri vadászokká fejlesztették magukat - s sokuk technikájában a sebesség kulcsszerepet játszik. A kőhalak vákuumot képezve kebelezik be prédájukat; a fókák halálra os
05.08 09:25
Violent oceans, giant icebergs, penguins and incredible scenery.

Violent oceans, giant icebergs and incredible scenery are all in a day's work in the Southern Continent. Bill shadows penguin researchers as they take population counts of one of the m

05.08 09:50
"More than 50 countries now possess weapons based on depleted uranium (DU). Experimentation has been rife, and the consequences for civilians and the military alike have been dramatic. This investigation compares and contrasts the arguments of those
05.08 10:45
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out
05.08 11:05
A boma is created with a funnel system and students are placed in strategic areas to man the curtain rails..
05.08 11:35
A film négy különleges búvár kalandját követi, akik a Bahamák szigetvilágának szívében található hajóroncsokat kutatják fel, hogy felfedezzék a bennük rejlő váratlan életet.
05.08 12:20
Kuba, évtizedekkel a forradalom után. Havannában új szellem van kialakulóban. A reformok ösztönzik az új üzleti ötleteket, és számos engedélyt adtak ki a független vállalkozások számára. Legalizálták az ingatlanok és autók ért
05.08 13:10
360° GEO - Report takes part in an exhausting journey exhausting journey through desert heat and drought. In the times of the pharaohs, people trekked through the desert between what is today Sudan and Egypt. They travelled in camel-caravans, loaded
05.08 14:10
"Leopards of Dead Tree Island" (1 x 52') takes us on an unforgettable HD journey into the lives of these three cats: Mosweo - a young mother who gave birth to two cubs during the abundance of summer. She is solitary by nature and takes on parenthood
05.08 15:00
Afrika egyes részeit még a legkalandvágyóbb horgászok sem fedezték fel. A háborúk, a zavargások és a bizonytalanságok miatt különösen a Nílus- medence nagy része túl nagy kihívást és veszélyt jelentett a látogatáshoz.
05.08 16:00
A Leopárd új foltjai című dokumentumfilm egy ember küldetéséről szól, amelynek célja, hogy megállítsa a dél-afrikai leopárdpopulációk riasztó csökkenését, ami a széles körű bőrkereskedelemnek köszönhető. Hagyományosan csak
05.08 16:50
Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance, is today a so-called "museum-city". The small city center is invaded by thousands of tourists every day. But there is one sport tourists usually don't know : the calcio florentino, a violent game with no rules
05.08 17:40
From the skyscrapers of Shanghai to the mountainous peaks of "The Last Shangri-La", explore the breathtaking landscape of this incredible country and connect with the people that infuse China's everyday life with flavor, passion and prosperity. Throu
05.08 18:45
This film is a visual thrill, a dream come true of men flying alongside the last Wild Eagle living in the Alps. It is the story of an unlikely encounter between Roi the last Sea Eagle in the wild in the French Alps and Kaaba a bird of the same specie
05.08 19:40
360° Geo - Report accompanies 2 young legionnaires during their training as jungle fighters. It is humid in the rainforest around Regina, the outpost of the French military in the South American jungle. It's not for nothing that the country is calle
05.08 20:35
At the tip of Africa two oceans collide, creating one of the most productive eco-systems on the planet. Here, one of the largest shoals of fish known to man form the basis of two food chains that split and extend for 100's of miles. After the sardine
05.08 21:30
The European islands are renowned primarily for their hotel resorts. However, we will show you a completely different face of theirs: forests, beaches, coves, mountains, valleys and rivers. Perhaps you will find places that will take your breath away
05.08 22:00
Show me where you live is a documentary series that aims to answer the following question: How can human beings claim ownership to a space so that they can live safely within it, function as a society, and above all be in harmony with the environment
05.08 22:30
Show me where you live is a documentary series that aims to answer the following question: How can human beings claim ownership to a space so that they can live safely within it, function as a society, and above all be in harmony with the environment
05.08 23:00
Seg 1 Chromatic Adaptation. Chromatic adaptation is the ability of humans to adjust to changes in brightness to keep up with the appearance of colors. this is the reason why we are able to perceive colors properly even though lighting in real environ
05.08 23:30
The discovery in Jerusalem in 2007 of a tomb said to belong to the family of Jesus of Nazareth is just the latest in a long line of extraordinary finds which have recently come to light in the Holy Land. But not all these finds are quite what they se
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