Funbox UltraHD 4K
2024.05.11 13:05 - 13:30
Blue World,the Amazing Comeback Of Gray Seals + Shark Performanc
Gray seals look like cute swimming puppy dogs, and their story of recovery from the brink of extinction is one of the best examples of conservation in history. Blue World joins a team of seal researchers on Cape Cod, and dives with these adorable pups of the sea to tell their story. Then we travel to the town of Oslob in the Philippines, where the local people have switched from hunting whale sharks to getting them to perform for tourists, proving that sharks are worth more alive than dead. 
Inkább máskor?
06.18 13:15 Funbox UltraHD 4K
06.22 13:20 Funbox UltraHD 4K
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A nácik titkos tudományai
Amikor a II. világháború végén összeomlott a náci birodalom, napfényre kerültek a harmadik birodalom legsötétebb titkai, ez a sorozat újszerűen mutatja be a gonosz történetet, a biológiai kísérletektől a mérnöki csúcsteljesítményekig.  

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