Mai tv-műsor

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MA 00:30
A 40-meter high, 14-story apartment complex - erected in just 51 days. A construction boom in the Russian capital has been going on for years now. In 2017 the government decided to tear down communist apartment blocks (infamous for shoddy constructio
MA 01:20
Sailau is one of the last Mongolian eagle hunters, a proud group of people who spend years bonding with their birds. But at 66 years old, Sailau must pass his knowledge on to the next generation, or this tradition may be lost forever.
MA 02:05
Host Cedric Small travels through Luxembourg on his way to France. On his way, he stops at The Old School Barbers (Lintgen location) to work with their team of Master Barbers for the day. Owner Tom Trummer, invites Cedric to cut and shave one of his
MA 02:30
Jonathan heads down to the shipwrecks of North Carolina (USA) to observe how these wrecks have become home to thousands of animals, including Sand Tiger sharks. But instead of chasing all the fish, the sharks are protecting many of them! Then, Jonath
MA 02:55
Jonathan visszatér Vietnamba! Továbbra is két keréken szeljük a kilométereket, de ezúttal motorral, és dél felé vesszük az irányt, Hanojtól egészen Ho Si Minh- városig. Ebben az epizódban Vietnam modernkori hőseit keressük. Szó les
MA 03:50
February 2017 saw me embark upon a travel expedition through Scotland, Poland, France, Mexico, Belize and, (alas!), back. Not only was it the first time I ventured out to Central America, but also the first time I seriously pushed my bravery boundari
MA 04:30
Világhódító útjára indul kiteboard. Ez a 4K-ban forgatott, egész estés film a kiteboardozás legnagyobbjait vonultatja fel, hogy mi nézők kedvünkre gyönyörködhessünk a sportág szépségeiben.
MA 06:00
Ever wondered what really goes on behind the bars of the most dangerous prisons? Behind Bars takes you into prisons from around the world, and the true stories of inmates who find themselves inside maximum security lockdown, in the harshest condition
MA 06:50
Sashi a thaiföldi Bangkokban jár, és a város legnagyobb gasztro sztárjainak történeteit kutatja. Ellátogat az illusztris Sukhothaiba, ahol David Tamburini séffel, a La Scala főnökével ebédel, majd találkozik Ton séffel is, akivel köz
MA 07:20
Best Ever Food Review Show is the fun and irreverent, ground-breaking series

exploring unique foods from around the world. Every culinary destination is sprinkled with a fresh point of view and a punchy delivery, encouraging empathy and understanding

MA 07:50
Best Ever Food Review Show is the fun and irreverent, ground-breaking series

exploring unique foods from around the world. Every culinary destination is sprinkled with a fresh point of view and a punchy delivery, encouraging empathy and understanding

MA 08:20
February 2017 saw me embark upon a travel expedition through Scotland, Poland, France, Mexico, Belize and, (alas!), back. Not only was it the first time I ventured out to Central America, but also the first time I seriously pushed my bravery boundari
MA 09:00
Three years after making their hit TV and cinema documentary about the history of British surfing, The Endless Winter crew are back on the road and this time they're heading South. Diverse coastlines, curious cultures and perfect waves awaited those
MA 09:55
Best Ever Food Review Show is the fun and irreverent, ground-breaking series

exploring unique foods from around the world. Every culinary destination is sprinkled with a fresh point of view and a punchy delivery, encouraging empathy and understanding

MA 10:25
The Global Barber travels to the municipality of Chatham-Kent, Ontario to work with Terrell The Barber. As the only black barber in the entire area, Terrell takes Cedric on a tour of the local black museums, a journey through black history and the un
MA 10:45
A skandináv konyha, az "északi konyha" évek óta folyamatosan irányt mutat a nemzetközi gasztronómiai szcénában. A Kadeauban a híres séf, Nicolai Nørregaard különös hangsúlyt fektet a helyi termékekre - különö
MA 11:35
As a nomadic adventure photographer, Krystle Wright is used to heading into the unknown. But her latest ambition to capture a rock climber on the famous Tasmanian spire, the Totem Pole, while suspended above the ocean, has never been done before.
MA 12:20
Seven teams of two come from all over the world to compete. Their first challenge is designing a drone that guides them through a giant maze.
MA 13:15
India konyhájának megértése szinte lehetetlen vállalkozás. A következő két epizódban Sashi bejárja az országot parttól partig, hogy megértse, hogyan változik a konyha tájról-tájra. Ez az epizód Mumbai legmenőbb s
MA 13:45
Best Ever Food Review Show is the fun and irreverent, ground-breaking series

exploring unique foods from around the world. Every culinary destination is sprinkled with a fresh point of view and a punchy delivery, encouraging empathy and understanding

MA 14:15
In the third episode of the set we meet the real enthusiasts of off-road.

Assisting in the training, preparations in the workshop, and participating in a cross-country rally, we learn how to prepare the car and the crew to get through the difficult t

MA 14:35
Elliot Seguin tesztpilóta mindig is arról álmodott, hogy saját repülőgépet épít. A munkálatok már majdnem befejeződtek, amikor Elliot megtudja, hogy hamarosan édesapa lesz. El kell hát döntenie, hogy kitart-e kockázatos v
MA 15:20
In the series pilot, host Jonathan Bird travels to the Bahamas, where diver interactions with Tiger sharks have become up close and personal. These large and dangerous animals are not only being hand-fed, but actually handled by divers. Jonathan lear
MA 15:45
Jonathan Izlandra utazik, hogy megvizsgáljon egy óriási hasadékot, amelyet egy olvadó gleccser töltött fel. Azt mondják, ez a legtisztább víz a világon. Jonathannak igazán hideg vízzel kell dacolnia, hogy ennek utánajárj
MA 16:10
Best Ever Food Review Show is the fun and irreverent, ground-breaking series

exploring unique foods from around the world. Every culinary destination is sprinkled with a fresh point of view and a punchy delivery, encouraging empathy and understanding

MA 16:40
A sorozat aktuális helyszíne továbbra is Thaiföld, a következő úti cél pedig Csiangmaj. Előbb egy különleges törzzsel találkozunk, melynek női tagjai gyöngyök helyett nehéz vasakat viselnek; majd a szeladonkészítés rej
MA 17:30
Island Hunter is your insiders look into exotic island destinations around the world. Where to go? What to see? Island Hunter shows you how - Find the best spots to party, the hippest bars and lounges, the most luxurious resorts, and of course, the u
MA 18:15
Az utazás észak felé folytatódik, az Oregon állambeli Coos Bay-be, ahol megismerkedünk a helyi művészettel, gasztronómiával és történelmi nevezetességekkel. Christopher és Savanna átszeli Amerika legnagyobb homokdűnéit, Didiayer ped
MA 18:40
Jonathan is no stranger to the Philippines, but with it's 7000+ islands, there's a lot more to explore! He uncovers the mysterious tale of cacao in the Philippine islands, brought by the Spanish galleons from Central/South America. This anthropologic
MA 19:30
Best Ever Food Review Show is the fun and irreverent, ground-breaking series

exploring unique foods from around the world. Every culinary destination is sprinkled with a fresh point of view and a punchy delivery, encouraging empathy and understanding

MA 20:00
Best Ever Food Review Show is the fun and irreverent, ground-breaking series

exploring unique foods from around the world. Every culinary destination is sprinkled with a fresh point of view and a punchy delivery, encouraging empathy and understanding

MA 20:30
The Cessna 172 Skyhawk is the world's most widely produced aircraft with more than 44,000 units built. Join Behind the Wings host Matthew Burchette as he goes flying with a Metropolitan State University of Denver student over some of Denver's most po
MA 21:00
A nation of gregarious people that loves their libations; a fantastic whiskey tasting at Teeling in Dublin makes Jonathan wonder, what happened to Irish whiskey? How did it lose the crown to Scotland? To find out, he gets an adventure bike and charts
MA 21:50
Liesel pinballs around a city known for its gastronomy, the forgotten hub of British East India trading company, Kolkata. From trying out what the bustling city's vibrant street food scene has to offer, to the lesser known gems, including, venturing into I
MA 22:10
This investigative mission starts off in the sin city atmosphere of the Vegas strip. After a gluttonous stint at a generic buffet, Liesel is inspired to do a road trip to find iconic gems in the state of Nevada. From ghost towns, to monstrous foodie
MA 22:35
Jonathan karibi kalandja az Amerikai Virgin-szigeteken kezdődik. A hely valódi turistaparadicsom, Jonathan azonban mélyebbre ás, hogy megtalálja a szigetek rejtett történeteit. A cukortermeléshez kapcsolódó, transzatlanti rabszolga-keresked
MA 23:25
The cast tracks Charlie's progress as he works on getting his vintage '47 Caddilac running.
HOLNAP 00:10
On the night of June 5th, 1944, a C-47 paratrooper aircraft, nicknamed That's All, Brother took off from England, to drop Allied fighting men into Normandy, to clear a passage for the tens of thousands of troops lying off the coast.
HOLNAP 01:30
A Global Barber Kanada egyik legrégebbi borbélyüzletében, az Ontario állambeli Long Saultban található Lost Villages Múzeumban vág hajat. Az épület 1920-ban épült, a Zian Hill borbélyüzlet pedig 1997- ben talált otthonra a múzeumban.
HOLNAP 01:55
As we pull into Music City, we're already "making it"! Nashville's first woman mayor shares her insights on the future of the city. Phil Vassar turns an interview into a celebration of song. We "rough it" a couple nights at the Gaylord Opry, and inte
HOLNAP 02:15
In a shark-filled adventure, Jonathan travels to the Bahamas to meet Neal Harvey, a world-renown shark handler who will attempt to teach Jonathan how to put Caribbean Reef sharks into a relaxed state known as tonic immobility! Then, Jonathan heads to
HOLNAP 02:40
Best Ever Food Review Show is the fun and irreverent, ground-breaking series

exploring unique foods from around the world. Every culinary destination is sprinkled with a fresh point of view and a punchy delivery, encouraging empathy and understanding

HOLNAP 03:05
Bali is tourism central, but can Jonathan find the Road less Traveled in this idyllic vacation destination? He heads into the jungle with a professional chef to forage a cornucopia of Bali's bounty of amazing local ingredients, from cloves to vanilla
HOLNAP 03:55
Hitted volna, hogy a világ egyik legnagyobb víztároló rétege az USA-ban, közvetlenül a Death Valley alatt található? A műsor készítői csatlakozhattak a nevadai Devil's Hole barlangot kutató tudósokhoz, és egyedülálló mód
HOLNAP 04:20
In a single decade between 1979 and 1989, half of all Africa's Elephants were lost to the ivory trade.For the next decade the trade lay dormant and African Elephant populations began to recover. But a new crisis was brewing, fueled by demand for ivor
HOLNAP 05:05
No other animal has influenced our lives as much as the horse. Our entire history is indivisibly linked to this animal. This documentary portrays a relationship that goes far beyond what we imagine. Although the use of horses has fallen drastically s
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