Napi tv-műsor

06.04 00:00
Mi az európai identitás? Kulturális vagy politikai? Thibault Bourdon 8500 kilométert tesz meg kerékpárján, és a kontinens számos dialektusán és táján, fenséges hegyein és lenyűgöző szikláin halad át, hogy felfedezze ezt a 750 mill
06.04 01:00
During many years, scientists and institutions fought to avoid the extinction of the Bucardo, a rare Pyrenean mountain goat. In 2003, Spanish and French scientists managed to clone the last bucardo. It was the first time in history that an extinct an
06.04 02:00
This report accompanies a polar cargo ship through the Arctic Sea and provides a rare insight into the interior of the Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker float. Along the north coast of Russia, a land of climatic extremes, lies one of the most diffic
06.04 03:00
Bolygónk felmelegszik, és ennek egyik első áldozata az élelmiszert biztosító növények lesznek. A SEED HUNTER lenyűgöző utazásra invitálja a nézőket Ausztrália aszály sújtotta farmjaitól a Közel-Kelet szívéig, ahol a karizmatiku
06.04 04:00
The First World War: soldiers from at least 20 countries were plunged in the hell of trenches and caught under a deluge of bombs. A century later, archaeologists help bring to light the daily life of the soldiers fighting on the French Eastern Front
06.04 04:55
A close look at Alexander the Great - from Macedonia to India.

Alexander the Great has always enjoyed a unique status in history. To the Greeks and Romans, he was a hero, to the Arabs, he was a prophet, to Westerners, he is a myth. Alexander the Grea

06.04 06:00
There is a goldmine atmosphere in the Azores: in the crystal-clear water live 21 species of whales and dolphins. Their instinct for play and their empathy for humans make them a fantastic source of capital. Several whale-watching companies have been
06.04 07:00
Szeptember elejétől kezdve az északi fény varázslatos mintákat mutat Izland csillagos égboltján. Ezzel egy időben az izlandiak a "Retir"-t ünneplik: a juhokat és a lovakat az alföldre terelik. 4500 birka és 800 ló 3-4 hónapot tölt a z
06.04 08:00
Narrated by Iain Glen, this film focuses on the fragile existence of the Scottish Wildcats, their status and what conservation efforts are being undertaken to ensure their survival.
06.04 09:00
Apple, the brand that symbolises counter-culture, has become a giant that dictates cultural norms and trends. At the root of their success story lies the genius marketing ploy of making mainstream power look tacky by declaring themselves counter to i
06.04 10:00
360° GEO - Report portrays a changing wine region that is torn between the ancient traditions of its soviet heritage and modern market requirements. In the Soviet era, Georgia was said to be the wine cellar of the USSR. Even after the collapse of th
06.04 11:00
This report follows the process of making Argan oil, beginning with the harvest and ending with the cooperatives working for the international market. Made from the nuts of the Argan tree, which grows almost exclusively in the Essaouira region of Mor
06.04 12:00
360° GEO - Report visits takes a trip to the vet and accompanies the doctor on her daily mission dedicated to the feathered treasures of the sheiks. Falcons are an inherent part of Arab culture in the United Arab Emirates. For centuries, the country
06.04 13:00
Fedezd fel, hogyan fejlődtek az állatok az idők során, hogy hogyan alakultak ki saját öngyógyító folyamataik, és hogy hogyan került ez a tudás a korai emberek birtokába! Az ember és az állat közötti hagyományos határokat megkérdő
06.04 14:00
Weather is universal and it's also Extra Terrestrial. Learn about space weather and how it can impact us on earth. Supercells are unique storms that scientists have learnt to measure into three types. Under the earth's crust, nature is extremely ener
06.04 14:30
The beauty, magic, and the science behind the Auroras at both ends of the earth, show them to be more than just a protective magnetic layer. The technology used to measure Wind Speed is finely calibrated with an interesting formula. The Tides remind
06.04 15:00
In the Starlight is an intimate portrayal about the life of nature photographer Paul Zizka and his quest to capture the night skies.
06.04 16:00
Theo van Boven becomes Director of Human Rights for the UN in 1977, where it was impossible to even name a country for gross violations. No bureaucrat, he battles the most repressive regimes of the late 20th century, such as Chile and Argentina and o
06.04 17:00
Hogyan dönthetjük el, hogy egy kómában fekvő személy valószínűleg visszatér-e az öntudatához? Hogyan láthat valaki a nyelvével? Miért tapasztalnak fantomérzeteket az amputáltak a hiányzó végtagoknál? Milyen hatással van a medit
06.04 18:00
The Tech Effect is a portal to the future, a look at the forces and inventions that could shape us in the coming century. From e-sports to robotics, home automation to autonomous cars, this series examines the potential for cutting edge technology to
06.04 18:25
In this episode, we look at the ways robotic engineers are mimicking the natural world. BionicWheelBot and the BionicFlyingFox have been developed to navigate difficult terrain, like their biological counterparts. Robots like the canine-inspired mode
06.04 19:00
In Paraguay, the loofah plant is used to make vegetable sponges but nowadays, it can also used to build houses. 360°GEO - Report follows Elsa Zaldivar on her quest to free Paraguay from its housing shortage. Until recently, the loofah plant in Parag
06.04 20:00
With classic tales as The Jungle Book to his credit, Rudyard Kipling brought India to life for many readers around the world. In this episode, Bill steps back into Kipling's wild world while exploring Kanha and Bandhavgarh National Parks, the inspira
06.04 20:30
Zenith - Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
06.04 21:00
Milyen az élet a város tetején? Ez a sorozat új magasságokba tör, lakóházakat, tornyokat és műemlékeket fedez fel, hogy bemutassa a váratlan kincsekkel teli világot: a háztetőinket. Vannak, akik itt dolgoznak, vannak, akik itt élnek,
06.04 22:00
With its three nickel factories, New Caledonia is on the way to becoming one of the leading emitters of CO2 in the world. But some inhabitants are trying to make a change. May seaweed be the solution?
06.04 22:30
Camouflaged cats. Some animals will never be inconspicuous, others blend so perfectly with their surroundings that they can move through them without detection. For many of the cats of Africa, camouflage is key to survival. From the spots of the chee
06.04 23:00
Andalusia, the Spanish territory has a confluence of cultures which is represented in its architecture! Visigothic, Roman, Byzantine and Arab - the structures in the region display all these influences. Between 8th & 15th century, several dynasties f
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