Napi tv-műsor

06.06 00:00
360° GEO- Report visits the Nenets, the last true nomads on earth, on their remote Russian peninsula. Every August, on the Russian polar peninsula of Yamal, children of reindeer shepherds await a helicopter that will bring them back to school after
06.06 01:00
Dans les coulisses d'un réve devenu réalité, á Manhattan : un opéra de 100 places, aussi réputé qu'il est petit. On dit que ceux qui réussissent á New York réussiront n'importe oú. Tony Amato y est arrivé en 1940 pour réaliser un réve :
06.06 02:00
Egy olyan világméretű ökológiai katasztrófa után nyomozunk, amely az egész emberiséget veszélyeztetheti. Élelmiszerforrásaink jövője egyetlen kis rovartól, a méhektől függ. Élelmiszer- ellátásunk egyharmada ugyanis közvetlenül
06.06 03:30
Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we expe
06.06 04:00
They are the men who are making History. In a time of crisis or war, any personal decision by any national leader can change everything. Like a 24h thriller, through archives and historical reconstitutions, live the day when great individual choices
06.06 05:00
Megismerkedünk a legnagyobb nyugat-afrikai börtönnel. A Banco-erdő határán, a szem elől elrejtve található börtön 5000 elítéltnek ad otthont, de a befogadóképessége 1500 fő. A rabok segítségével a börtönben szervezett az élet,
06.06 06:00
10 years ago, Europe almost witnessed the first dying out of a predatory cat since the sabre-toothed tiger when only about a hundred Iberian Lynxes remained in existance. Still today, the Iberian Lynx is one of the most threatened species of predator
06.06 07:00
Despite efforts to protect tigers for the past 4 decades, tigers continue to be hunted down - poached, poisoned and squeezed into small pockets of protected forests.Tigers play a pivotal role in maintaining the health of the forest ecosystem and ther
06.06 08:00
The Bahamas - an archipelago in the western Atlantic that has long been the subject of legends. Over 700 islands and 2,000 coral reefs form this island paradise. Cat Island is one of the few continuously populated islands. In 2011, it was devastated
06.06 09:00
Filmünkből kiderül, hogy a mozi feltalálása semmiképpen sem volt elkerülhetetlen, sőt, talán csak véletlen volt. Hogy pontosan meghatározzuk a kezdetet, egészen Párizs szívéig, egy elsötétített szobáig kell visszamennünk. Itt tör
06.06 10:00
360°GEO - Report sets foot on the isolated island of St Helena and documents what life is like in the midst of the South Atlantic. Standing solitarily far out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is the British Overseas Territory of St. Helena. Islan
06.06 11:00
Az egymást követő évmilliárdok során a tengeri élőlények mesteri vadászokká fejlesztették magukat - s sokuk technikájában a sebesség kulcsszerepet játszik. A kőhalak vákuumot képezve kebelezik be prédájukat; a fókák halálra os
06.06 12:00
A Boteti folyó Botswana északi részén 20 éve elapadt, így a zebrák, vízilovak, elefántok és krokodilok az időnként lezúduló esőzések után maradó tócsáknak lettek kiszolgáltatva. 30 év óta most először azonban több száz kilo
06.06 13:00
Az emberiség már több mint egy évszázada repül. Leonardo da Vinci - a madarakból merítve ihletet - már az 1500-as években megpróbált repülőgépet építeni, de szerkezete végül nem működött. Azóta léggömbökkel és hatalmas lég
06.06 13:30
Az emberiség már több mint egy évszázada repül. Leonardo da Vinci - a madarakból merítve ihletet - már az 1500-as években megpróbált repülőgépet építeni, de szerkezete végül nem működött. Azóta léggömbökkel és hatalmas lég
06.06 14:00
Peppered across Africa are a few iconic locations that are renowned for killing action. Arenas bathed in a history of blood, places where Africa's icons have hunted successfully for generations. Predators here develop unique and clever ways to hunt.
06.06 15:00
Beyond the asteroid belt lay the ice giants, some can be seen with the naked eye, others only glimpsed once by a passing probe. We are again sending cameras to the edge of the solar system giving us new insights into the evolution of our worlds.
06.06 15:30
Series introduction and the study of Earth from orbit. The sky above is littered with stars and countless galaxies. It is where we come from and where we are destined to return. The first phase of this journey is complete, now commences the second, w
06.06 16:00
The Tech Effect is a portal to the future, a look at the forces and inventions that could shape us in the coming century. From e-sports to robotics, home automation to autonomous cars, this series examines the potential for cutting edge technology to
06.06 16:25
In this episode, we look at the ways robotic engineers are mimicking the natural world. BionicWheelBot and the BionicFlyingFox have been developed to navigate difficult terrain, like their biological counterparts. Robots like the canine-inspired mode
06.06 16:55
Autism remains a mystery. People with autism will live with this disorder all their life and our societies are all facing the same question: how to take care of them? France lags behind on this subject. Comparing the experiences of other countries, I
06.06 18:00
In this episode we look at some of the ways technology is helping us solve the big environmental problems of our age. From satellites that map sea surface height, to the development of sustainable fuels such as hydrogen, scientists are using their in
06.06 18:25
In this episode we visit the home of the future, a place where automation, robotics and connectivity combine to create an easier and more sustainable life for its human inhabitants. From personal robots, to indoor hydroponic gardens, electronics comp
06.06 19:00
360° GEO - Report shows the people from St. Pierre and Miquelon, a French overseas collectivity, in their struggle between self-preservation and responsibility against nature. Saint Pierre and Miquelon - directly in front of Newfoundland's coast lay
06.06 20:00
360°GEO - Report spends the days in the run up to Easter on a flower farm. We also dive with playful grey seals in the Atlantic Ocean and reveal more than just the secrets of flower-growing.At the tip of the world - Landsend in Cornwall - are the Is
06.06 21:00
Sabbatical Entertainment's exclusive original documentary admires Christian Dior, the famous French fashion designer whose post-World War II creations were wildly popular and whose legacy continues to influence the fashion industry.
06.06 22:00
On the plains of East Africa an epic journey is underway. Millions of wildebeest and thousands of zebras march in an annual, circular migration in search of lush grazing.Two major rivers, the Mara and the Grumeti, intersect their route and force the
06.06 23:00
There is more to Japan's natural landscape than just Mount Fuji! Discover the country's numerous mountains and the ethos of the people who live there. From mountains with eight peaks, mountain gods who keep locals in their awe to building snow monste
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