Docubox HD
2024.04.26 12:40 - 13:30
Floods - Part 2
"Floods" is a film dedicated to the memory of those victims of the great floods like those of New York, Bangkok and Xynthia.

This film takes us from New York to Tokyo and Bangkok, visiting Shanghai, the Netherlands and Germany on the way. Throughout the world, oceanographers, coastal engineers, geologists, economists, architects and insurance companies cooperate to understand, anticipate and create a strategy of sustainable protection systems. The relationship between man, his cities and its environment is entirely being redefined. A global and multidisciplinary approach is needed to push boundaries and convince political authorities to act now, to save entire regions from flood threat. 

Inkább máskor?
05.26 13:20 Docubox HD
06.01 04:20 Docubox HD
Viasat Explore


A kínai nagy fal Ash Dykes-szel
Az angol extrém sportoló, Ash Dykes -három világrekord felállítója -számol be legutóbbi kalandjáról, a kínai nagy fal mentén tett hatalmas 21000 kilométeres utazásáról. Miután egyedült átkelt a Góbi-sivatagon, és eligazodott Madagaszkár sűrű dzsungelében.  

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