Docubox HD
2024.05.08 19:40 - 20:35
French Foreign Legion Hell In The Rain
360° Geo - Report accompanies 2 young legionnaires during their training as jungle fighters. It is humid in the rainforest around Regina, the outpost of the French military in the South American jungle. It's not for nothing that the country is called "Guayana", "Land of water". The foreign legionnaires, who have gathered here for training to become jungle combatants, experience the meaning of this name daily. The squad is international, the training hard: transport of the wounded through the rain forest, guerilla attacks, river crossings, survival training, the self-supply of food, and time and time again, drill! The men of the 3rd infantry regiment quite often operate for days in the jungle, tracking down illegal immigrants or gold seekers. 
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05.23 02:10 Docubox HD
Direct One TV


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Májustól lesz elérhető a Direct One TV csatornán és a Direct Now appban valós eseményeken alapuló Az évszázad csalása, amelyet a többek közt César-díjjal elismert Xavier Giannoli alakított a vászonra, Vincent Lindon főszereplésével.  

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